Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Showing the Moves

posted Apr 4, 2016, 11:19 AM by Amy Wix
This year I tried out a lesson I have seen on the MTBoS multiple times.
 Here is a post on it.  I have notices that my students struggle in our 
geometry unit because if all of the new vocabulary.  Dance, Dance, Traversal
is a good way to reinforce some of the vocabulary (vertical, corresponding,
alternate, supplementary, etc.) because the students need to move their 
feet to the correct position.  I would like to try and make a couple more 
songs available, just so I can have a slower beat for the students to start off
with. Also, I found that labeling the angles (1,2,3,4,...) helped the students. 
 The dry erase markers stayed on the floor for the few days I needed them
to and I wasn’t scolded by the janitors (unlike the permanent markers I used
a while back- totally different story!).
If you click on the video-turn the volume DOWN! It got pretty loud!

YouTube Video